Fire on The Nile - Love Among The Pyramids...


Years of blood, sweat and temper tantrums have resulted in an hilarious piece of interactive comedy theatre. World renowned diva Madame Chou Chou takes three unsuspecting male volunteers and turns them into classical ballet dancers for her production of the timeless love story of ''Anthony and Cleopatra'.

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Femme Exposee - Catch A Falling Star


is the story of a diva fallen on hard times. After losing her lover, her career and her wealth Madame Chou Chou finds herself transformed into la Clocharde, a homeless bag lady with one objective; the show must go on!


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Sid and Lena - Extreme Circus Vaudeville Cabaret


In 1971, Sid and Lena decided that the fast track to fame and fortune was to become world class entertainers. One year later, things haven't quite worked out as planned. However, when a little green bag full of gold and cash falls their way, things change... the thirty years that elapse, Sid and Lena experience a rollercoaster of life that is triggered by an instant injection of material wealth. This comic rags to riches tale of an Australian husband and wife vaudeville team transfixed under the spell of greed and gold is densely peppered with acrobatics, balancing, political commentary, hoola hoops, sculpture, box manipulation, human jenga and other electrifying circus stunts.

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Fire on the Nile - Gent Festival 2001
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